www.WalkerSettlement.com – Discover Financial Class Action Lawsuit



The class action lawsuit entitled Discover Payment Protection Plan Marketing and Sales Practice Litigation has been resolved under the terms of a $10,500,000 settlement agreement.  Discover has denied all wrong doing but has agreed to settle in order to avoid any further court cost.  The lawsuit was filed over claims that Discover tricked customer into Discover Payment Protection (formerly known as Discover AccountGuard), Identity Theft Protection (formerly known as Profile Protect), Wallet Protection (formerly known as The Register), and Credit Score Tracker products that came with a hefty fee.  If you or someone you know was tricked into purchasing one of these products between the dates of January 21, 2004 and November 9, 2011 you could be eligible for a payment as a result of this lawsuit.  The settlement amount depends on a variety of factors such as the number of claims that are filed and also the amount of fees paid by class member.

There are four types of claims under the terms of the settlement; the Discover Payment Protection (DPP Claims), the Credit Score Tracker (CST claims) the Identity Theft Protection (ITP claims) and the Wallet Protection (WP claims) depending on the type of product the class member purchased.

All claims must be filed by June 6, 2012.  The settlement fairness hearing is currently scheduled for May 8, 2012 but is subject to change.  All exclusions and objections must be postmarked by March 23, 2012.  The Settlement Agreement, Preliminary Approval Order and the  Exhibits to the Settlement Agreement are all available for download at the class administrators website.  Adobe Reader will be required in order to download and print these documents.

The settlement administrators website can be found at: www.walkersettlement.com