www.tollbyplate.com/invoice – TOLL-BY-PLATE Login



The Toll By The Plate payment invoice system allows a user to pay a toll invoice, violation or citation.  The website is available in both English and Spanish and is super easy to use.  The following credit cards are accepted MasterCard, VISA, AMEX or DISCOVER.  A user also has the option to pay by check, money order or cash.  To pay by check, cash or money order please send the full payment to TOLL-BY-PLATE, P.O. Box 105477, Atlanta, GA 30348-5477 and make it payable to the Florida Department of Transportation.

The TOLL-BY-PLATE Invoice Document Information online will require you to enter the Invoice ID number and the account number associated with the invoice.  Both of these numbers can be found on your mailing from the Florida Turnpike Enterprise. Motorists may establish a prepaid TOLL-BY-PLATE account by contacting the Customer Service Center at 888-824-8655 and registering the vehicle license plate number. This program helps reduces pollution and traffic and provides revenue for the state.  Please notify Customer Service Center with any changes to the vehicles ownership, registration, or license plate number or be subject to a fine.

SunPass Customer Service Centers:

SNAPPER CREEK – Open Monday thru Friday, 8:00AM-6:00PM
Milepost 19 on the Homestead Extension of Florida’s Turnpike
SNAPPER CREEK – Open Monday thru Friday, 8:00AM-6:00PM
Milepost 19 on the Homestead Extension of Florida’s Turnpike

BOCA RATON – Open Monday thru Friday, 8:00AM-6:00PM
7941 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL. 33434


