www.PetProductsSettlement.com | Pet Products Class Action Lawsuit Settlement



If you purchased Natura brand dog or cat food (Innova, EVO, California Natural, HealthWise, Mother Nature, or Karma) between the dates of March 20, 2005 through July 8, 2011 and live in the United States of America you are considered a class member of the Pet Products Class Action Lawsuit Settlement.

The lawsuit claims that the California’s Business and Professions Code was violated by Natura while advertising their line of dog and cat food.  The lawsuit states “Natura made false and misleading statements about the human grade quality of its food in its advertisements, promotional materials and labeling.”.  Natura denies all wrong doing in the case but has agreed to a $2,150,000 settlement fund to avoid any further cost of a lengthy court trial. 

Important dates include: 01-08-12 the date all claim forms are due by, 12-28-11 the last day to file an exclusion request, and 02-17-2012 the date of the fairness hearing.  Claim forms can be subitmied online at www.PetProductsSettlement.com or by mail.  To submit a claim form online a valid email address is REQUIRED. 

The maximum settlement payment for any given class member will be $200.  The case is entitled Ko v. Natura Pet Products, Inc. and class notice can be found here

Again, please file a claim at www.petproductssettlement.com