www.novedexxtsettlement.com – Novedex XT Class Action Lawsuit Settlement



Gaspari Nutrition, Inc is in some trouble over the body building supplement “Novedex XT”.  A class action lawsuit was filed against Gaspari Nutrition claiming that they made misleading statement and falsely advertised Novedex XT to consumers.  The lawsuit is entitled James Keller v. Gaspari Nutrition, Inc and is in the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Central District of California.  If you or someone you know purchased Novedex XT between the dates of November 2, 2006 and October 3, 2011 you are considered a class member of the Novedex XT Class Action Lawsuit Settlement.  Pumping iron is finally starting to pay off.  Eligible class members could receive a settlement of $20 per bottle purchased.  A settlement fund of $1,000,000 has been established.

Any class members with a valid receipt of purchase or credit statement showing you made the purchase will receive a check for $20 for each bottle of Novedex XT purchased during the Class Period under the settlement terms.  So if you bought 5 bottles of Novedex XT you would be entitled to $100.00.  If you do not have a valid receipt or statement but make a sign sworn affirmation under penalty of perjury you will receive a check for $10 for each bottle of Novedex XT purchased during the Class Period.  Gaspari Nutrition denies all wrong doing in the case.

All claim forms are due no later than 01-16-12.  A settlement fairness hearing will be held on March 19, 2012 at 930am to determine of the settlement is fair and reasonable.  The hearing will be held before the honorable Gary A Feess at the Royal Federal Building, 255 East Temple Street, Crtrm 740, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

To get any type of settlement payment you MUST submit a claim form.  If you are a Class Member and do nothing, you will not receive a payment from this Settlement.  All claim forms can be filed online at the Novedex XT Settlement Administrators website or printed and mailed to: Novedex XT Settlement Administrator, PO Box 6389, Portland, OR 97228-6389.
