www.njviolationsettlement.com – NJ Violation Class Action Lawsuit


The Telliho v. East Windsor Township and American Traffic Solutions, Inc. Lawsuit claims that the New Jersey Red Light Camera Statute was violated by the defendants (American Traffic Solutions, Inc.) in the case.  What is this NJ Statue you might ask?  The New Jersey Red Light Camera Statute states that authorized certain areas in the state of New Jersey to use a red light camera monitoring systems and issue Notices of Violation to vehicles who ran a red light.  These cameras were not maned a the person who the auto was registered  to would receive a ticket within a few weeks of the violation.  The case is under the jurisdiction of the United States District Court, District of New Jersey and includes anyone who paid a fee or fine in relation to one of these Red Light violations on or before August 1, 2012. Class members under the settlement terms are entitled to a payment of $8.50.  The total amount of the settlement is subject to change depending on how many people file a claim.  You may file more than one claim if you received more than one violations.  A separate claim for is required for each Red Light Violation.  All claims forms are due not later than October 28, 2013.  If you do not file a claim you will need receive any type of settlement.

You can file a claim online with the Claimant ID Number.  If you have any questions about the case please dial toll-free 1-877-497-5923.  Please do not contact the State of New Jersey or American Traffic Solutions, Inc. with questions.
