www.njgymsettlement.com – Martina v LA Fitness


If between February 28, 2006 through March 31 2012 you cancelled your LA Fitness monthly membership you might be a part of this class action lawsuit.  The NJ Gym Settlement also include those who into a fitness service agreement with New Jersey L.A. Fitness anytime between February 28, 2006 through March 31 2012.  The lawsuit revolves around claims that LA Fitness violated the New Jersey Truth-in-Consumer Contract, Notice, and Warranty Act (aka TCCWNA).  The class members claim that certain aspects of the contracts allegedly contained provisions that are contrary to and in violation of state law.  L.A. Fitness strongly denies any actions of wrong doing.  The case is pending out of the U.S. District Court District of New Jersey and Case Number 2:12-cv-02063-WHW-MCA.  A fairness hearing will be held on 09-17-13 at 50 Walnut Street, Newark, NJ 07101.  The time of the hearing will be 10:00 am sharp.  More information about the lawsuit can be found by calling 1-888-283-5570 or writing to:

Martina v. L.A. Fitness
Fitness Service Agreement Settlement Class
c/o Gilardi & Co. LLC
P.O. Box 6002
Larkspur, CA 94977-6002

Andrew Wolf from the The Wolf Law Firm will represent class members while Jason Frank from Eagan Avenatti will represent LA Fitness.  Under the current settlement terms valid class members will receive a 25 minute training session with a trainer or $100 to be applied toward the purchase of a new Monthly Dues Membership at any L.A. Fitness facility.  The settlement will depend on what settlement class you fall into.

email the Claims Administrator at:
