www.MilgramSettlement.com – Milgram v. Chase Bank Class Action Lawsuit



The Milgram v. Chase Bank Class Action Lawsuit revolves around claims that Chase Bank offered some customer cardholders a promotional annual percentage rate on balance transfers and short-term convenience check loans until a specified “statement opening date,” but did not adequately inform consumers when the promotional interest rate would cease to apply.  The case is styled Milgram v. Chase Bank, USA and is in the jurisdiction of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.

Class members are defined as anyone who was offered a “promotional check or balance transfer offer and was a Chase credit card customer between the dates of January 15, 2006 and February 28, 2010 with a promotional interest rate stated in the offer as effective “until your [Month/Year] statement opening date” and, after acceptance, you incurred finance charges on the resulting promotional balance at a non-promotional rate because of expiration of the promotional interest period you may be a part of this class action settlement” via MilgramSettlement.com.

All claim forms are due no later than November 3, 2011.  Claims can be filed online or by mail.  To file online please have the Claim ID and Personal Identification Number on hand.  This information can be found on your postcard notice.  To file by mail please go here to download the form and mail it to:

 Milgram v. Chase Bank Settlement Administrator
PO Box 808061
Petaluma, CA 94975-8061

The claim form MUST be postmarked by Novemebr 3rd 2011.   Please note that in order to view the document you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
