www.marykayintouch.com – Mary Kay InTouch


Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants can obtain 24 7 access to their account at Mary Kay InTouch.  This service is for all users who have a Mary Kay business in the US and is not intended to be used for any other purposes.  To login the user must have their consultant ID and password.  If you do not have a consultant number you must not be enrolled as a Independent Beauty Consultant.  If you have already signed up to be a consultant you should have been issued an ID.  Being a Mary Kay Consultant is an excellent way to make a little extra cash on the side if you’re a stay at home mom or have a part-time job.  Some people even make a full-time living depending on good of salesperson they are.

As a Mark Kay consultant you will be provided with a Mary Kay Starter Kit Bag which you will use to demonstrate Mark Kay products at parties or social gatherings.  This starter kit cost $100 and will be key to your success.  Anything you sell you will earn 50% on.  So lets say you sell set of make up for $100.00.  Mark Kay will get $50 and you will get $50!  How easy is that!?!  Being a consultant is not for everyone.  It is recommended you have an outgoing extroverted personality, have tons of friends and are confident and fun to be around.  Being well liked in your social circle is also a major plus.  It is also recommended that you attend Independent Beauty Consultants seminars, retreats and conferences as often as you can.  Not only will this teach you more about how to succeed but you will also expand your social circle.
