www.laworks.net/myjob.asp – Louisiana’s Employment


If your looking for a job in the Pelican State is is recommended you check out the Louisiana’s State Employment Web Portal.  A user can search for a job by keyword or zip code and can select a distance of 5, 10, 25 or 50 miles or search state wide.  A job seeker also has the option to conduct a advanced search option will help fine-tune their job search.  An advance search includes the options to search by job order number, exact word or phrase, exclude unwanted words, job occupation group, employer name and industry code.  The advance search method is recommended for those who have a pretty good are of what they want to do and where they want to do it.  The General Job Order Criteria includes the ability to search by job experience, salary, duration and the education level required.  The site is free to use and is opearted by the Louisiana Workforce Commission.  Job seekers can also post a resume, post a job and sign up for job alerts.  Posting a resume is an excellent idea as it allows a potential employer to find you.  To post a resume you must be fully registered user with Louisiana Works and have access to all of the online services.

Laworks.net/myjob.asp also allows a person to apply for Unemployment Insurance benefits.  Please note that if you are already on UI benefits you are required to make contact with three potential employers a week to prove your actually searching for a job.  If you know someone who is committing unemployment insurance fraud please contact the Louisiana Workforce Commission which will aggressively investigate all fraud tips and complaints submitted to the office.  If you would like to report fraud please go here and provide the suspects name, person’s address, city, state, and telephone number (if available).  Also provide the suspects race, gender and a brief statement about how this individual is committing fraud.
