www.ides.Illinois.gov – IDES unemployment insurance (UI), employment services



The Illinois Department of Employment Security serves the people, employers and workforce partners in the great state of Illinois.  This department is committed to helping the workforce grow and succeed in the state.  Individual can search for a job, apply for UI benefits, and obtain career related information. 

If you have lost your job at no fault of your own, have paid into the UI state program, and are available to work and seeking work it is recommended you apply for emergency UI benefits.  The application process is fairly easy to complete and should take no more than 30 to 60 minutes to complete online.  To make the online filing go faster please have the following items on hand:

– Social Security Number and Name
– Employer’s name, mailing address, phone numbers, employment dates, and separation reason for all the employers you worked for in the last 18 months.
– a copy of your DD214/215 if you were recently separated form the US Military
– If you worked since Sunday of this week, the amount of gross wages earned this week.

Having the above named information will ensure your Unemployment Insurance claim online goes as smooth as possible.  If you’re not computer savoy you can always file the old fashion way in person at a local state office or work center.  When filing in person make sure to bring two forms of ID and one of which should have you social security number on it.  If your UI claim is denied you have 30 days to appeal the ruling.  To file an appeal mail, fax or deliver a Request for Reconsideration of Claims Adjudicator’s Determination form. 

IDES also allows a person to search for a job.  Use the helpful career centers, job fairs, skill match program, and apprenticeship programs in assisting you with finding your job.  The IDES skill match program might be your best option.  This popular program is an online database that helps connect skilled job seekers to employers in Illinois. 

IDES contact information is as follows:  for INDIVIDUALS call toll-free 800-244-5631, for EMPLOYERS call toll-free 800-247-4984.
