www.hdfsi.com – H-D Financial Services


The Harley Davidson Financial Services web portal allows a customer to make a payment, update account information, view their current loan online, print a statement, contact online customer service, request a paperless statement and estimate how long it will take to pay off a loan.  To access your H-D account online you must have your email address on hand.  If you are new to the service you will have to sign up with a valid email address.  This service is free from Harley Davidson and is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  A working printer will be needed if you intend to print an account statement.  If it is your first time using the site you will also need to provide your full name, date of birth and zip code.  The sign up process should take you no longer than 5 minutes to complete.

If you are trying to determine if you can even afford a Harley HDFSI.com has you covered there as well.  To determine if you can afford one of these bad boys simply provide your monthly income and expenses using the monthly budget tool.  Monthly expenses include items like Rent/Mortgage, Home/Apartment Insurance, grocery bill,  child care, medical, auto insurance, student loans and entertainment expenses.  After you provide this type of information they will tell you how much Harley you can afford if any.  Please note that the “monthly available income” tool is only an estimate and you should seek professional loan assistance if you don’t have much money.

If you already know for a fact you can afford a Harley and would like to estimate your monthly payments simply check out the Payment Estimator tool.  This tool will require you to select the Harley Model, color, wheels and payment terms.  This will give you a very good idea of how much your monthly payment will be for your sweet new hog.  If you already have a hog and would like to set up automated monthly payment simply sign in to your account or create one.  The site is very simple to use and is very useful to all Harley David owners.
