www.eMachinesFloppyDiskSettlement.com – eMachines Computer Class Action Lawsuit


eMachines never had the best reputation as a quality computer company but this class action lawsuit claims the computers were outright defective.  The lawsuit is entitled Collins v. eMachines Inc and is in the jurisdiction of the District Court of Cleveland County.  More information about the lawsuit can be obtained by calling 1-888-623-6174 or by writting to eMachines Settlement Administrator, c/o KCC Class Action Services, PO Box 43143, Providence, RI 02940-3143.  The lead class members include Kiley Stroud, Tammy Collins, Rudolph Roma, David Packard and John Hock.  The lawsuit states that eMachines sold computers that had a defect that caused loss or corruption of data written to, or read from, a floppy disk within the machine.  eMachines denies all wrong doing but has agreed to settlement terms.  The eMachines Floppy Disk Settlement provides class members with a possible $65 cash payment or a replacement computer and accessories.  The court will decide oif the settlement terms are fair and reasonable on March 25, 2013 at at the District Court of Cleveland County, Oklahoma, 200 S. Peters Norman, OK 73069.   Class members are defined as anyone who bought a eMachines computer (see model numbers below) on or after December 31, 1997 in the United States.  Computer model numbers are shown below:


You do not have to attend the fairness hearing in order to participate in the settlement but you DO have to file a valid claim form before July 15, 2013.   The claim form can be filed online at the class administrators website.  Other important dates in the eMachines Floppy Disk Settlement include the objection and exclusion deadline which are both dated as March 8, 2013.

A copy of the settlement agreement and the Preliminary Approval Order are available at eMachinesFloppyDiskSettlement.com and are in PDF files, and require the Adobe Acrobat Reader software.  This is a fitting end for a company who made such terrible computers.

