www.DataChargeSettlement.com – Verizon Wireless Data Charges Class Action Lawsuit



A class action lawsuit has been filed against Verizon Wireless claiming that the popular mobile network operators firm erroneously billed pay-as-you-go data charges to some of its customers.  The lawsuit is entitled Verizon Wireless Data Charges Litigation and is in the jurisdiction of the in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.  Class members claim that they were charged a fee when they should have not been because they did not access the internet, did not access the internet beyond the Verizon Wireless Mobile Web home page, and or did not engage in any activity involving data usage.  If between  November 2007 to January 31, 2011 you were a Verizon Wireless customer and incurred a  pay-as-you-go data usage charge you could be a class member of this lawsuit. 

Verizon has denied all wrong doing in the case but has agreed to settle. A refund or credit can be requested by an eligible class member.  A settlement fairness hearing will be held on December 2, 2011 in Court Room 5E at the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.  If you wish to attend please arrive at the Clarkson S. Fisher Building and U.S. Courthouse, 404 East State Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08608 in the morning to make sure you get a seat. 

All claim forms are due by  October 28, 2012.  All objections and exlcusions are due by November 2, 2011.  The Deadline to file motion for final approval of settlement will be November 18, 2011.  If you do nothing you give up your right to collect any type of settlement in the Verizon Wireless Data Charges Class Action Lawsuit.  Go to www.datachargesettlement.com to submit the claim form online.  You will have to submit a valid email address or mailing address when filing online. 
