www.ChineseDrywallClass.com – Chinese Drywall Class Action Settlement


The Chinese Drywall Class Action Settlement revolves around claim involving drywall imported to the U.S. from China that was the cause of property damage and personal injuries according to the class members.  The members claim that the dry wall was defective and caused issues such as noxious sulfuric fumes and damage to their homes by corroding the plumping, electrical wiring and other appliances.  The companies deny all actions of wrong doing but have agreed to settlement terms.  A 80 million dollar settlement was agreed upon on May 18, 2012 and is now pending final court approval.  Class members include anyone who purchased Chinese Drywall (anywhere in the U.S., except in Virginia) and had property damage as a result of the dry wall.  The dry wall must have said “Made in China” or “Knauf/Tianjin”.  The amount of money any one class member will receive has not been determined and a settlement fairness hearing will be held on November 13, 2012.  The case is in the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana.  The honorable U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon preside over the case.  The hearing will be held at 9am at 500 Poydras Street, New Orleans, LA 70130, Courtroom C-456.  Class members are not required to speak at the hearing in order to be eligible for a settlement.

Class members can not yet file a claim.  Please check back for more information on when the claim form will become available.  If the Global Settlement receives final approval from the Court we expect the claim form to be available on ChineseDrywallClass.com.  The settlement fund will be used to make payments to class member who property was destroyed or harmed by this defective dry wall.  The court has appointed the following attorneys to represent the class members:  Arnold Levin from Levin, Fishbein, Sedran & Berman and Russ Herman from Herman, Herman & Katz, LLP.  Please check back for more information when it becomes available.
