www.ATTMUSCSettlement.com – AT&T Mobility Service Charge Class Action Lawsuit


AT&T is the target of another class action lawsuit.  If between the dates of  January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2010 you were charged a  Universal Service Charge you might be a member of the AT&T Mobility Service Charge Class Action Lawsuit and entitled to a cash refund or billing credit.   The case is entitled MBA Surety Agency Inc. v. AT&T Mobility LLC and is in the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court for the City of St. Louis, Missouri.  The lawsuit claims that AT&T violated state and federal law by charging these fees (Universal Service Charges).  AT&T denies all and any actions of wrong doing but has agreed to a settlement payment of $152,634,430 to put this ugly lawsuit behind them.  The lawsuit claims that these charges were accessed on data pay-per-use plans, visual voicemail services, customer custom packaging plans, international calls outside the United States or voicemail service.  If your a current customer their is no need to file a claim form and any settlement payment will be applied as a credit to your monthly bill.  If your a former customer you will be required to file a claim form in order to receive a cash payment.  A former customer can submit a claim form online with a Claimant ID Number on Postcard notice and the Last Name or Business Name.  Or a former customer can print the form online here and mail it to:

ATTM USC Settlement Administrator
P.O. Box 33309
Washington D.C., 20033-0309

The court will hold a settlement fairness shearing on February 20, 2013 to determine if the settlement is fair and reasonable.  If you would like to object to the settlement you must submit a signed deposition with any relevant documents to support your objections.  If you would like to also appear and make a statement at the fairness hearing you can do so by including your intention to appear at the hearing with your written objection.

If you are a former customer and do nothing you will get nothing.  The AT&T Mobility Service Charge Class Action Lawsuit  is case number 1222-CC09746.  attmuscsettlement.com provides more details about the case as well as relevant court documents.  The law firms of Robertson & Gorny, P.C and Huge Law Firm PLLC will represent class members.
