www.ArcticIndirectPurchaser.com – Arctic Glacier International Lawsuit Settlement


If you bought package ice from Artic Glacier, Home City Ice or Reddy Ice between the dates of 01/01/2001 to 03/06/13 you may be part of this class action lawsuit settlement.  The Artic Glacier class lawsuit revolves around claims of price fixing in order to make a greater profit by charging the consumer more money for a simple bag of ice.  The defendants have denied any and all actions of wrong doing but have agreed to settlement terms.  A propose settlement of 3.95 million dollars has been offered to all qualifying class members.  A settlement fairness hearing will first take place at the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware on 2/14/14 to determine if the amount of proposed money is fair and reasonable.  The hearing will take place on 824 North Market Street, 3rd Floor, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, class members are not required to attend but may do so own their own dime.  All class members will be represented at the hearing by the law firm of Wild Law Group PLLC.

In order to be a part of the settlement you MUST file a claim.  The deadline to file a claim has not yet been announce but the court will announce the date at the on or around February 27, 2014.  Please check back after the 27th for more information.  If you would like to opt out of the settlement please do so no later than 2/20/14.  Opt-Out Letters must be submitted to the Claims Administrator at Arctic Glacier Settlement Processing Center, c/o UpShot Services LLC, 7808 Cherry Creek South Drive, Suite 112, Denver, CO 80231.  For more information you  can call toll free 855-226-8304 or visit the Arctic Indirect Purchaser class action website.
