www.AMOSettlement.com | Complete MoisturePlus Contact Solution Class Action Lawsuit Settlement



If you’re a resident of Cali and purchased Complete MoisturePlus contact solution anytime between June 8, 2003 to the present time (today is 11-29-11) you might be a member of the  Complete MoisturePlus Contact Solution Class Action Lawsuit.  The lawsuit revolves around claims of consumer fraud involving the safety of this contact solution.  The lawsuit is entitled Lazar vs. Advanced Medical Optics and is in the jurisdiction of the Orange County Superior Court.

Class members claim that Advanced Medical Optics sold contact solution that increased the risk of developing a parasitic eye infection called Acanthamoeba keratitis.  The problem is the solution was sold as a contact solution that would effectively “disinfect” contact lenses.  AMO denies all wrong doing but has agreed to a settlement agreement in order to avoid any further court cost.  The settlement agreement will provide 100% cash refunds or a “good as cash coupon” to eligible class members who file timely claim forms.  All claim forms MUST be turned in by February 16, 2012

If you would like to object to the AMO Settlement please do so by  March 8, 2012.  You will be required to mail the objection notice to: (1) Co-Counsel for the Class: Calvo Fisher & Jacob LLP, Attn: James A. Quadra, 1 Lombard Street, Second Floor, San Francisco, California, 94111, and The Senators (Ret.) Firm, Attn: Ronald T. Labriola, 4695 MacArthur Court, Suite 370, Newport Beach, California, 92660; and (2) Counsel for Defendant: Venable LLP, Attn: Ben Whitwell, 2049 Century Park East, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, California, 90067.

A fairness hearing will be held on 03-23-12 at 9am sharp to determine if the settlement fair and reasonable.  The hearing will take place at 751 West Santa Ana Boulevard, Santa Ana, California 92701.  For more information about the case to include the claim form please visit the class admin website.
