www.AirshieldSettlement.com | Finley v. CVS Pharmacy Inc.



If you purchased AirShield from a CVS store between July 1, 2005 and November 30, 2008 you are a potential class member in the Airshield CVS class action lawsuit settlement.

The lawsuit claims that CVS deceptively marketed AirShield products to consumers between the dates shown above.  CVS has denied any wrongdoing in the case. All class members can call toll free (877) 866-6275 with questions or concerns about the CVS Airshield Settlement.  A claim form can be found at www.AirshieldSettlement.com.  All claims forms MUST be in by November 15, 2011.  Please include the original receipt or packaging or both if possible. 

Other important dates include:

September 16, 2011 is the deadline for all objections and exclusion request.  Objections must be written by the class member.  If you exclude yourself from the lawsuit you will receive no benefit from the Settlement but reserve the right to sue on your own dime. 

The fairness hearing will be held on October 20, 2011. 

A copy of the settlement agreement can be found here.