– Mercy Remote Access Portal


Sisters of Mercy Health System personnel and contractors all can access the Mercy Remote Portal with their username and password.  The site is attended for official Business use only and use of the site could be subject to monitoring by Sisters of Mercy Health System.  Any comments or question about how the site is used should be directed to the toll-free number shown on the home page.  Please note that your username will be your Mercy network logon password.  If you are not sure what this is please see your local HR department for assistance or contact the MTS Service Center.  The Mercy Remote Access Portal will allow a user to access webmail, citrix and office experience.  Citrix is available for those who require access to the Mercy Citrix published application.  The portal is fairly easy to use for those that are tech savoy, older employees might have a difficult time using this system.  A user will be prompted to install the Trust Mercy Domains application if using the services from Windows Vista.

The Mercy Health System is a non-profit health care system with roots dating back to the Civil War.  They were awarded the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 2007  and were named a Top 100 Integrated Health Networks in the year 2008.  They have a long-standing tradition of providing outstanding healthcare to those in need when they need it most.  The invoke family friendly employment policies for their employees and are a great place to work.  Mercy offers day care for employees with kids, vacation and sick leave and a flexible working schedule.