If you need a boost in your credit rating consider a Secured credit card which is an excellent way to establish a positive credit history. These credit cards are specifically made for people without credit history. Individuals that have a bad credit rating should also consider a Secured credit card through https://publicbankcard.com. If you have a very good credit score please move on as this site is not for you. The Capital Bank secured credit cards is pretty much like any other credit card accept that your purchases and payments are reported to the three major credit bureaus. This helps you build credit quickly. The card comes with an FDIC insured security deposit. Credit reports are provided to the three major bureaus monthly or every 30 days.
This card is not for everyone, in order to be eligible you must be 18 years of age or older, must be able to verify your identity, you must be a legal resident of the USA and have a SSN # and you must be able to fund a security deposit. The security
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