www.JohnsoniTunesSettlement.com – Johnson iTunes Class Action Lawsuit Settlement



A class action lawsuit was filed against Apple regarding its Apple’s online iTunes Store gift cards.  These gift cards were sold to customers for a price of .99 cents per song in April of 2009.  Then Apple went and raised the price of certain songs at the store to $1.29.  When a user of the gift card went to buy the song for .99 cents they were charged $1.29 instead.  The lawsuit is entitled Johnson v. Apple iTunes and claims that these customers were overcharged and should of only paid .99 cents for the songs.

The case is in the jurisdiction of the California Superior Court for the County of Santa Clara and is case number 1-09-CV-146501.  All class members who submit a valid and timely claim form will receive a $3.25 Apple iTune Store Credit.  A settlement fairness hearing will be held at 9:00 a.m. on February 10, 2012, at the Superior Court of California for the County of Santa Clara, located at Department 21, 191 North First Street, San Jose, California 95113 to determine if the settlement terms are fair. 

Class members include anyone in the US who used an Apple iTunes Gift Card labeled “songs are 99¢” or similar language to make a purchase at the store before 05/10/10.  The deadline to object to or exclude yourself from the settlement is December 29, 2011.
