Recontrust Washington Foreclosure Class Action Lawsuit Complaint



Class members of the Recontrust Washington Foreclosure Class Action Lawsuit Complaint include: Homeowners who had their homes foreclosed on by Recontrust. 

The lawsuit is entitled: Wendy Douglas v. Recontrust Company

The complaint alleges:  That Recontrust Washington, conducted non-judicial foreclosures, while allegedly failing to maintain a physical presence with telephone service, Recontrust allegedly prevented homeowners from having face to face contact with their trustee, prevented homeowners from gaining response time to foreclosure issues, prevented homeowners from making payments in person to stop the foreclosure and insuring that payment was received and acknowledged, prevented certain homeowners from delivering mortgage documents in person and from receiving receipts of such documents, which could stop a foreclosure, and clouded title to homes sold at auction.

The full lawsuit complaint can be read here.