www.DeepwaterHorizonEconomicSettlement.com – Deepwater Horizon Class Action Lawsuit Settlement


A class action lawsuit was filed against BP due to the  “Deepwater Horizon” oil rig spill in the Gulf of Mexico that occurred on April 20, 2010.  The lawsuit is entitled In re Oil Spill by the Oil Rig “Deepwater Horizon” in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010 and includes anyone who had economic or property damage and those who have medical claims arising from the oil spill.  Please note a class member could possibly fall into both categories of claims. If you recall this incident caused more than  4 million barrels of oil to leak into the ocean.  Th exact settlement amount has yet to be announced but BP estimates it will be around the $7 to $8 billion range.  If you would like to opt out of the settlement you have until October 1, 2012 to do so.  To opt out you must write a letter to Deepwater Horizon Court-Supervised Settlement Program, exclusions Department, P.O. Box 222, Hammond, LA 70404-0222 and make the request electronic signatures will not be accepted).

The Medical Benefits Settlement will provide the following benefits:

1) a compensation program for Specified Physical Conditions;
2) a Periodic Medical Consultation Program; and/or
3) a provision of Back End Litigation Option process for Later-Manifested Physical Conditions.

The Federal Court has appointed Mr. Patrick Juneau as the Claims Administrator.  BP will be responsible for paying all settlement amounts.  You must file a claim in order to receive any type of settlement amount and claim forms will be available at DeepwaterHorizonEconomicSettlement.com beginning on June 4 2012.  Other relevant court documents that can be obtained at the class admin web portal includes the Amended Settlement Agreement, Preliminary Approval Order and the Economic and Property Damages Detailed Notice.  This was a horrible disaster that will affect the Gulf Coast for years and years.  Many people, businesses and wild life will never be the same after this horrible incident.  BP is trying its best to rectify the situation but many believe they are not doing enough.
