www.AllianceOneSettlement.com – AllianceOne TCPA Class Action Lawsuit Settlement


The Telephone Consumer Protection Act is the focus of another class action lawsuit claiming that AllianceOne used an auto dialer with a prerecorded voice message to contact people without their prior consent.  These unauthorized calls took place between the dates of February 8, 2004 and November 30, 2010.  If you received a prerecorded voice message phone call from AllianceOne between these dates you might be eligible for a $40 cash settlement.  The case is entitled Adams, et al., v. AllianceOne Receivables Management, Inc. and is in the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Southern District of California.  A total settlement amount of $9 million dollars has been proposed even though AllianceOne denies any wrong doing in the case.  A class member can submit a claim form online, over the phone or by mail.  Regardless of the method all claims forms are due by August 6, 2012.  Any claim forms received after that date will be deemed void.  If you would like to opt out or object to the settlement terms you have until August 16, 2012 to do so.

A settlement fairness hearing will be held on August 27, 2012, at 2:30 p.m at the U.S. District Court, 940 Front Street, San Diego, CA 92101 to determine if the settlement terms are fair and reasonable.  The claim form, class notice, long form, Order Granting Preliminary Approval and the Stipulation of Settlement and Release are all available to view at the class admin website.  Please note that class members are only allowed to make one claim regardless of how many telephone calls or cellular telephone numbers they received.  It is recommend you file your claim online.  If you file the claim by phone the conversation will be recorded and you will be required to state under penalty of perjury that the information you have submitted is accurate.  This is just another lawsuit in a long line of suits that violate the Telephone Consumer Protection Act..  Check back for more information and updates.
