www.WachoviaBondLitigation.com – Wachovia Preferred Class Action Settlement



A $627,000,000 settlement is being reported in the Wachovia Preferred class action lawsuit.  The lawsuit is entitled Wachovia Preferred Securities and Bond/Notes Litigation and claims Wachovia violated the Securities Act of 1933.  Class members are defined as anyone whom purchased Bond Class Securities from the first date that the bonds were offered through February 27, 2009. 

Important dates in the Wachovia Preferred Class Action Settlement are as follows:

October 25, 2011: the date all exclusions and objections are due.
December 28, 2011: the date all claims forms are due.
November 14, 2011: the date of the settlement fairness hearing.

More information to include claim filing instructions can be found at www.WachoviaBondLitigation.com