www.TellPizzaHut.com – Pizza Hut Customer Survey $1000 Sweepstakes



If you would like to participate in the customer survey found on your Pizza Hut receipt please check out www.tellpizzahut.com to provide your feedback.  The survey is powered by Empathica and should only take a few minutes to complete.  Those of you who are familiar with Empathica know they usually offer a $1000 cash prize sweepstakes for succesful completion of a survey they operate…. the Pizza Hut Customer Survey is no different.  To begin you will need the following:

1. the Pizza Hut store number.
2. the date and time of visit.
3. the total bill amount.

The store number is 4 or 6 digits long and can sometimes be tricky to find.  If you have problems follow these methods to locate the number:

1. the top left corner of your receipt underneath the server name
2. near the middle of the receipt underneath the total amount
3. the bottom of your receipt under the survey invitation.

Pizza Hut is a popular Pizza delivery restaurant chain that offers carry out and delivery services.  Some Pizza Huts even offer dine in seating.  To view the official TellPizzaHut sweepstake rules and learn how to enter without purchase please go here

To find Pizza Hut coupons and deals please go here
To find a Pizza Hut in your area go here.

INCENTIVE:  One prize per day of either USD$1,000, CAD$1,000, £1,000, or 1,000 Euros.  Web (and mail-in) entries only:  One prize per day of a 8GB iPod Nano.

CONCLUSION:  A must take survey.

SURVEY WEBSITE:  www.tellpizzahut.com