www.SunsetClassSettlement.com – Sunset Auto Class Action Settlement



The sun is setting on the Sunset Auto Class Action Settlement and claim forms are due by September 3, 2011.  If you do not file a claim by that date you will forfeit all potential settlement benefits. 

The case is entitled Timothy Clover v. Sunset Auto Company and is in the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of St. Louis County, State of Missouri. 

Are you a class member?  If you received a postcard you were singled out as a potential class member in this case.  Class members include anyone who purchased or leased a vehicle from the Sunset Auto Company between December 9, 2003 and August 28, 2009 and was charged some sort of processing fee. 

What is the Settlement?  The settlement is a Sunset Auto Company gift card that can be used at the auto company same as cash.  The gift card is good for either 50% or 25% of the processing fee paid by the class member.

Objections?  If you are unhappy with the settlement terms you have until 09/03/11 to object to the settlement.

Claim forms?  www.SunsetClassSettlement.com provides instruction on how to file a claim by mail. 

Other case documents such as the postcard notice, the long form notice, and the settlement agreement are available at the class admin website mentioned above.