www.SunScreenSettlement.com – Coppertone Sunscreen Class Action Settlement


Wearing sunscreen helps protects your skin from harmful UV rays but might also put some cash in your pocket if you purchased an Eligible Coppertone Sunscreen Product up to and including October 5, 2012.  The lawsuit is entitled Steven Brody, et al. vs. Merck & Co., Inc., et al., and is case No. 12-cv-4774-PGS-DEA out of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.  The lawsuit claims that state laws and consumer protection statute were violated in relation to the marketing of the certain Coppertone Sunscreen Products.  Merck agrees to pay up to $10 million in consumer refunds even though they deny all wrong doing in the case.  All claim forms must be filed online or by mail by March 4, 2013.  Merck has also agreed to stop using the phrase “all day protection”,  “waterproof” and  “sunblock” under the settlement terms.  This end a long lawsuit battle that started back in October and November of 2003.  The proposed settlement will pay $1.50 for each eligible Coppertone sunscreen product purchased since July 2006.  All exclusions and objections are due no later than January 31, 2013.

A settlement fairness hearing will be held in Courtroom 4E, Clarkson S. Fisher Building & U.S. Courthouse, 402 East State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608 out of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey at 10am on 02/20/13 to decide if the settlement is fair.  SunScreenSettlement.com provides the claim form, the long form and other court documents.  Any questions can be brought to the attention of: Sunscreen Settlement, c/o GCG , P.O. Box 35018 , Seattle, WA 98124-1018 or by phone at (877) 302-3668.  Class members in the case will be represented by Mitchell Twersky from Abraham, Fruchter & Twersky, LLP out of New York.  If you object to the case you must notify the court by mail.  Please include your name, address, phone number, proof of purchase, a written statement, your signature and case number.  Who would have thought wearing sunscreen might actually pay off?
