www.SCWorks.org – SC Works Online Services


South Carolina job seekers owe it to themselves to check out this online state employment service.  SCWorks.org is operated by the SC Department of Employment and Workforce.  Job seekers in the state can create a resume, search/apply for a job, find a suitable training, prepare a basic budget analysis, learn about specific occupations that best matches the seekers skill set, exploring different careers and get general employment counseling.  To search for a job a user can enter any combination of search criteria to include zip code, keywords, Occupation Group, education level, desired salary or job source.  A user perform an advance job search to find employment by job number, employer name, employer size, employer type, hours per week, benefits and much more.  This site is a must use for anyone in the state of South Carolina looking for a job.  Please note that in order to post your resume and take advantage of the more advance options of SCWorks a user will have to register.  The registration is pretty simple and should only take a few minutes.

This online service also allows employers to find a qualified candidate, register for job openings and access a wide variety of information designed to help a business succeed.  Some businesses might qualify for Federal tax incentives, like the Welfare To Work and Work Opportunity tax credits.  If you’re a business in the state of SC it is advised you check out these possible tax breaks.  SCWorks.org also provides tips and information on how to make your business drug free and encourage a healthy work environment.  A list of Upcoming Job Fairs in the state can be found at the site as well.
