www.SCBAClass.com – Second Chance Body Armor Lawsuit


Second Chance Body Armor, Inc is the subject of this class action lawsuit over claims that their bulletproof vest did not live up to the performance standards.  You might be eligible for a $750 payout if you purchased a bullet proof vest (used or new) containing Zylon from Second Chance Body Armor.  Imagine buying a bullet proof vest only to learn that the vest might not stop a bullet!  This is a life or death issue here.  The lawsuit is entitled SCBA Liquidation, Inc., f/k/a Second Chance Body Armor, Inc. and is case No. 04-12515.  In order to claim a settlement payment you must file a claim form no later than June 25, 2012.  A class member can file the claim online at SCBAClass.com or by mail.  You must live in the US and the vest MUST of contained Zylon in order for you to obtain any settlement payment.

All class members will be represented by the law firm of Kanner & Whiteley, LLC and Silverman & Morris, P.L.L.C..  If you fail to file a claim form and do nothing you will not be paid.  Second Chance filed for bankruptcy protection in 2004 and there will only be a certain amount of money left over to pay class members in the Second Chance Body Armor Lawsuit.  It is suggested you file your claim form as soon as possible.
