www.SatelliteRadioSuit.com – Blessing v. SiriusXM Class Action Lawsuit Settlement



A whopping $180,000,000 settlement has been approved (pending any appeals) in the Blessing v. SiriusXM Class Action Lawsuit Settlement.  The case is entitled Blessing v. SiriusXM and Case Number 09-cv-10035.  The lawsuit claims that Sirius broke the law in 2008 by raising subscription rates once they merged with XM.  Carl Blessing claims the defendants violated the antitrust and consumer protection laws. 

Are you a settlement class member?  Class members in the Blessing v. SiriusXM inlcude anyone who subscribed to SiriusXM Satellite Radio and who, during July 19, 2008 through July 5, 2011: “(1) paid a U.S. Music Royalty Fee; (2) own and activated additional radios and paid the increased monthly charge of $8.99 per additional radio; or (3) did not pay to access the content available on the 32 bkps or 64 bkps connections on the Internet but are now paying the Internet access monthly charge of $2.99.”  according to the class admin portal at www.SatelliteRadioSuit.com.   If your not sure if your included in the settlement a person can determine settlement eligibility by calling toll free 866-577-7474. A copy of the Settlement Agreement is available HERE.  SiriusXM claims no wrong doing but has agreed to settlement terms in order to prevent further litigation. 

SiriusXM is a popular streaming music, news, sports satellite radio company with over 100 channels via satellite.  They can be found on the NASDAQ stock exchange under ticker symbol SIRI.