www.paperlesspay.talx.com/bestbuy – Best Buy ePayroll Services


Access your employee payroll information online with the Best Buy ePayroll Services.  You can also update account information and download relevant tax forms.  This service is operated by the TALX Corporation and it will require Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher.  Also note that you will need a monitor size of at least 1024×768 or better and Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 higher.  JavaScript must be enabled as well.  This might seem like a lot of requirements but most basic computers should have these programs or better.  If you computer was made in the 90’s go buy a new computer.  The Best Buy Paperless Pay service is available in both English and Spanish!

Best Buy is an ideal place to work for a college student and is pretty flexible about working with your schedule.  Not only do they have a lot of good-looking girls working at the place but they also provide a very good starting wage.   Many employees will find themselves working a twenty hour work week and they will most likely work you eight-hour shifts on weekends and whatever is left over on weekdays.  Best Buy is the busiest on weekends.  Best Buy really looks for people who are available and have a broad range of hours they are willing to work.  In your interview with Best Buy push the fact that you are available at anytime (if true).

Best Buy is a popular electronic supply store and offers everything from TV’s to Video Games.  They were founded in 1966 under the name Sound of Music and became Best Buy in 1983.  They also have locations in the China, Canada, Puerto Rico and Mexico.  They can be found on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol BBY.
