www.myflorida.com/accessflorida foodstamps – MyFlorida Foodstamps



Did you know that Flordia offers food, medical and even cash assitance to those who qualify in the state?  If your a legal resident of the state of Florida and your family needs help with food, financial or medical needs please check out www.myflorida.com/accessflorida foodstamps for more information and to apply.

Residents can apply online  or at any Flordia State Benefits service center.  If you file online the entire application will take about 30 minutes to complete.  Once the claim has been filed online a user will have the opprunity to complete a paper version of the application.

A person may be asked for proof of the information submitted on the application so be honest and truthful.  Common confirmation questions include:

  • Income from a job (pay stubs or a letter from you employer)
  • Income from another person
  • U.S. citizenship AND identity for all individuals applying for medical assistance

Most food stamp application take an average of 30 days to complete.  The applicant will be notified by mail once the desicion has been rendered.  A user can check the status of an application online with his or her ACCESS Florida Program account information or call toll free 1-866-76ACCES or
1-866-762-2237 for the status over the phone.

www.myflorida.com/accessflorida foodstamps – MyFlorida Foodstamps