www.MathiasSettlement.com – Old Orchard Juice Class Action Lawsuit Settlement



Old Orchard has some of the best tasting fruit juice drinks in town but here may be a reason for that.  According to the Old Orchard Juice Class Action Lawsuit the Old Orchard Brands were not really made of 100% juice.  The lawsuit is entitled Micheal Mathias v. Old Orchard Brands, LLC and under the settlement terms a class member can get a $0.50 instantly-redeemable in store coupon for a Old Orchard Product.

The settlement terms also require that Old Orchard change the wording of the product to a blend of fruit juices on the product instead of 100% juice.  All objections and exclusion requests must be in by September 28, 2011.  The case is in the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles County Superior Court and is Case Number  BC430943.  A claim form is not needed the Old Orchard Juice Class Action Lawsuit Settlement.

More details can be found at:  www.mathiassettlement.com