www.gotomystatement.com – Merchant Service Online Green Statement


The Merchant Service Provider portal allows a user to obtain a paperless e-statement online with any of the following merchants:  MoneyTree, AmeriBanc, EXS, BNG Holdings, Card Ready International, Advanced Merchant Services or National Processing Solutions Inc..  To get started simply click on the desired merchant logo and enter your username and password.  If you’re not sure which merchant to select simply enter your merchant ID on the gotomystatement.com and you will be directed to the appropriate website.  Online statements help reduce paper usage and makes all those green thumb Liberals very happy.  E-Statements also improves on customer experience.  If you would like to get you statement by mail please select that option during the registration process or you can simply contact customer service and request that change if your already a registered user.  Please note that you will be charged $2.00 if you make a request for statements by mail.  It is recommended you leave well enough alone and just go with online statements.

If you having trouble find your merchant account number check the right hand corner of your statements.  The number should be 15 digits long with no dashes.  Your Merchant ID will only be needed to be used when using the appropriate online statement web portal when you complete the registration process.  The entire registration process should only take a few minutes to complete.  Any questions or concerns that arise can be directed to toll-free 888 682-4464.
