www.ConnorTCPASettlement.com – Chase Home Mortgage TCPA Lawsuit


Auto dialing machines have become a big no-no and the Chase Home Mortgage TCPA Lawsuit claims that JPMorgan Chase used these types of machines to contact mortgage owners.  These robo-calling machines are against the law and class members of this lawsuit  could receive a cash payment of up to $500.  The lawsuit is styled Patricia Connor, et al. v. JPMorgan Chase Bank and Fannie Mae and claims that Chase violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act by contacting these borrowers without their consent or permission.  Please remember that in order to receive any type of settlement payment you must file a claim form before July 10, 2012.  Chase denies any wrong doing what so ever but has agreed to terms. As mentioned earlier the maximum amount payable under this settlement is $500 with a minimum amount of $25.  The amount will depend on a variety of factors to include the amount of claims actually filed.

How to file a claim?

A claim can be filed in one of three-ways:

  • by phone by calling toll-free 1-877-265-2018
  • by mail by sending a postmarked claim form to Connor Settlement, c/o Gilardi & Co., LLC, P.O. Box 8060, San Rafael, CA 94912-8060
  • or online at the settlement administrators web portal

A class member can find the following case documents at ConnorTCPASettlement.com: Claim Form, Postcard Notice, Long Form & Frequently Asked Questions, Preliminary Approval Order and the Settlement Agreement.  The recommended way to file the claim is online.  If you file online please have the Claim ID found on the postcard you received and your phone number on hand.  It should only take a user a few minutes to file online and it is painless for the most part.

Other important dates?

  • 08-03-12 is the date of the fairness hearing
  • 06-10-12 the date all exclusion request are due
  • 07-20-12 the date all objections are due by
  • 07-10-12 the last day to file a claim

The case number is 10 CV 1284 DMS BGS and a Settlement Fund between $7,000,000 and $9,000,000 has been created.
