www.CitiGroupBondActionSettlement.com – Citigroup Inc. Bond Litigation


An amazing $730,000,000 settlement has been proposed to settle the Citigroup Inc. Bond Litigation Lawsuit.  The lawsuit revolves around claims that Citi misled debt investors about its condition during the financial crisis.  Class members are defined as anyone who bought Citigroup bonds and preferred stock from May 11 2006 through November 28 2008.  Citigroup is one of several financial firms who are still dealing with the fall out from the financial crisis that hit the United States in Summer/Fall of 2008.  The case is entitled In Re Citigroup Bond Litigation and is in the jurisdiction of the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York.  The case will be heard before the Honorable Honorable Sidney H. Stein.  A settlement fairness hearing will take place on July 23, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. to determine if the settlement is fair and adequate.  In order to receive any type of settlement payout you must file a claim no later than August 21, 2013.  If you would like to exclude or object to the settlement please do so before June 27, 2013.

Citigroup denies any actions of wrongdoing in the case.  The company was bailed out when the US Government provided over $45 billion dollars to the Wall Street firm.

In re Citigroup Inc. Bond Litigation
c/o The Garden City Group, Inc.
PO Box 9976
Dublin, OH 43017-5976

