www.CAWholeFoodsAccessSettlement.com – Whole Foods Market Access Class Action Lawsuit Settlement



The Whole Foods Market Access class action lawsuit revolves around claims that Whole Foods was in violation of the Disabled Persons Act and the Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act between the years of 2006 and 2011.  If you visited Whole Foods during that time frame and were in a wheelchair or other mobility device you may be entitled to a settlement payment of up to $4,000 from this lawsuit settlement.

The case is entitled Kirby Velasco v. Mrs. Gooch’s Natural Food Markets, Inc., Whole Foods Market California, Inc., and is in the jurisdiction of the SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. 

A payment of $4000 will be made to each class member if the amount of class members is less than 125.  If the amount of class member is more than 125 the settlement will be reduced.  Whole Foods denies any wrong doing but has agreed to a settlement to void any further cost.  The Whole Foods settlement will also require Whole Foods to hire a California Certified Access Specialist to inspect each of its California stores and correct physical barriers within 30 months.

All claim forms and objections to the settlement are due by 12/15/11.

The court approved claim form, the settlement notice, class counsel information, the settlement agreement and the approved summary notice can all be found at www.CAWholeFoodsAccessSettlement.com.