www.Benefits.Petsmart.com – Petsmart Benefits Enrollment



If you are an employee of Petsmart please enroll online for your benefits.  Once enrolled you can access and update benefit information such as adding or removing dependents, change your mailing address, make changes to your medical, vision, dental and life insruaces benefits and much more!  The enrollement process is a breeze and should only take 10 to 20 minutes or less. 

Please note that www.Benefits.Petsmart.com will not provide or allow enrollment into your 401 k program.  To enroll or get information, call 1-888-401K-PET or go to www.401k.com.

If you need help picking a medical plan take the PPO quiz.  This quiz was developed to help you determine which plan is right for you. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact  the PetSmart Benefits team at 1-866-263-8411 or speak with your HR manager.

visit:  www.benefits.petsmart.com