www.BankruptcyCourse.com – Course Certificates in Bankruptcy Code



The Bankruptcy Course online provides pre filing and discharge bankruptcy certificates.  The pre-filing credit counseling course are provided by A123 Credit Counselros and help when filing for bankruptcy.  The pre-discharge debtor education is provided by A24/7 Bankruptcy Class Inc and is required before discharging bankruptcy.  Both classes can be done online, by phone or in person.  A123 is HUD approved and is accredited with the Better Business Bureau.  Please note that approval does not endorse or assure the quality of an Agency’s services.

A 123 Credit Counselors, Inc. and A 24/7 Bankruptcy Class, Inc.  are headquartered in Miami FL at 703 NW 62nd Ave (Waterford Way), Suite 220, Miami, FL 33126.  BankruptcyCourse.com is available in English and Spanish.  The A 24/7 Bankruptcy Class will cost a customer $17.50 and the A 123 Credit Counselors class will cost a customer $30.00.  Both courses can be access 24/7 online and are approved by US Trustee`s Office for Issuance of Credit Counseling Certificates pursuant to Bankruptcy Code.  The courses are designed for low-income people with a shoe string budget.  Visa, MasterCard and American Express are accepted forms of payments.  Please consult your attorney to determine if the Bankruptcy Course is right for you.

Please remember all payments are final and once a payment is made you will have 90 days to complete the course before your course plan expires.  In order to register for the courses you will need to have your name, bankruptcy case number, a valid mailing address, a cell or home phone number, a valid email address and your attorney’s name and email.  Failure to provide any of the requested information will most likely result in a denial of application.  Everyone that completes the course will receive a certificate and there is not a final grading process.  Once again before signing up for any of the classes associated with this service please seek counsel from your lawyer.
