www.attthirdpartybillingsettlement.com – AT&T Landline Third Party Billing Lawsuit


A class action lawsuit entitled Nwabueze et al. v. AT&T. et al., is pending out of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California revolving around claims that AT&T purchased accounts receivables from other billers, billed its customers for third-party services, took a cut of the collected money and gave the remaining money to the original services.  AT&T denies all and any actions of wrong doing but has agreed to settlement terms in order to avoid a pricey legal battle that might drain their deep pocket books!  This is Case Number CV-09-1529 SI and class members can’t wait to get their hands on settlement payouts.  The deadline to file a claim in the class for class members is December 2, 2013 or 30 days after they receive a Billing Summary in response to a timely request, whichever is later.  All objectives or relevant comments must be in by September 2, 2013. The settlement fairness hearing will take place on November 1, 2013 at 9:00 a.m..  Class members are not required to attend but may do so if they want to be heard in the case.  attthirdpartybillingsettlement.com will require the Adobe Reader program view relevant PDF court documents.  Any questions or concerns can be brought to the attention of (866) 242-0603 or by email at info@ATTthirdpartybillingsettlement.com.  Settlements class member can expect to receive the full amount of Third-Party Charges the Class Member asserts were not authorized to the extent that such payments have not previously been reimbursed under the Monetary Relief settlement class.

Class members who opt to stay in the lawsuit have been appointed the following lawyers:  Jeffrey F. Keller, John G. Jacobs, Michael W. Sobol, David Schachrnan and Michael A. Caddell.  The official address in relation to the class settlement is Settlement Administrator Nwabueze v. AT&T, Inc. c/o GCG P.O. Box 35045 Seattle, WA 98124.  A claim form can be downloaded online or a request can be made by writing to the previous address.
