www.Arknet.Arkansas.gov weekly claim – Arknet Unemployment Insurance Claim



ArkNet is a the web-based continued IU claim application from the Arkansas Department of Workforce Services and used for Arkansas Unemployment Insurance weekly benefits online.  The site is simple to use and very easy to navigate.  The Arkansas Department of Workforce Services makeS filing an unemployment insurance claim easy with the Arknet continued claim system.  To login you will need you SSN, DOB, and your Personal Identifcation Number.  All new users will have to establish a 4 digit PIN number.  Once signed in you will have 15 minutes to process your claim on Arknet.  This time limit is in place for security reasons.  ArkNet works best with the Internet Explorer browser.  ArkNet should also work FINE with Fire Fox and other browsers. 

If you get an error message saying you can’t connect please try back later.  Possible reason for this could be ArkNet is down for maintenance, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) has lost connectivity or there is a high volume of traffic on ArkNet.  The most common reason is high traffic volume.

When filing your weekly claim online please make sure you have employment information on hand to make the process go faster.  Please have:

  • The name & address of your last employer
  • The last day you worked & the reason you are no longer working
  • The gross amount of pay you earned for the week (Regardless of whether or not you have actually been paid.)

It will take about 10 to 15 minutes to file your weekly claim online.  If you have any questions please contact one of the ten Local Workforce Investment Areas depending on your location.  A list of the local office with phone numbers can be found here

A few things to remember:  Arkansas Unemployment Benefits are subject to Federal Income Taxes, a “week of unemployment” or a “continued claim week” is the same as a regular calendar week – it begins on Sunday at 12:01am and ends on the following Saturday midnight, your IU benefit amount is calculated based upon how much you worked and earned during your “base period”.  Generally the more you earned the greater your IU benefit payment will be!

www.Arknet.Arkansas.gov weekly claim