www.activatemyhsi.verizon.net – Verizon High Speed Internet Activation


Ready to activate your Verizon High Speed Internet?  Jump on over to activatemyhsi.verizon.net and get the process started today.  The activation process will usually take about 5 to 10 minutes and is very easy and stress free.  Once you start the process it is advised you do not stop.  If you stop half way through you will have to start over the next time you attempt to activate your Verizon High Speed Internet.  In order to start you MUST have either your order number and zip code OR your Verizon Wireless User ID and Password.  Your order number will be either 13 or 9 digits long and can be located on your email/letter or the shipping label of your modem kit.  If you lost or misplaced your order number please contact Verizon ASAP.

Verizon High Speed Internet is one of the best values in the broadband industry. Prices start at $14.99 and Internet up time checks in at 99.9%!  The connection is very fast and you will never have any problems with customer service as Verizon Wireless is one of the best in the Business.  J.D. Power and Associates recently found that the Verizon High Speed Internet service ranked the highest in customer satisfaction in the Eastern part of the United States.  Plus Verizon High Speed Internet comes with free email, Wi-Fi access, 24/7  would class customer support, a free web blog and a Business Web page.  Verizon also allows a customer to pay their bill online and add services via the web.  One of the more popular plans is the FiOS Triple Play.  This plan provides a customer with HD TV, High Speed Internet and unlimited calling.  You will also get a wireless router, a $250 gift card and 50% off HBO for the first year.  The activation dee for this place is waived if you agree to a two-year plan.
