www.AcerLawsuit.com – Acer Laptop Memory Class Action Settlement


A class action lawsuit has been filed against Acer claiming that it sold laptops that did not contain enough memory to properly run the Microsoft Windows Vista  Premium operating systems.  The main problem according to the claimants was the laptop did not have enough RAM which caused the laptops to freezing, crashes, lock-ups, and other poor performance.  Many times a computer will shut down or freeze when it is lacking RAM.  No enough RAM pretty much makes playing video games impossible.  RAM is short for Random Access Memory and the more RAM a computer has the faster it works.  Acer denies all actions of wrong doing but has agreed to settlement terms.  The case is entitled Wolph v. Acer America Corp and is under the jurisdiction of the United States District Court Northern District of California.  Class members in the case are defined as anyone who purchased an Acer Notebook Computer pre-installed with Microsoft Windows Vista.  All claim forms in the lawsuit must be submitted by July 24, 2013 in order to be eligible for any settlement.  Class members who file timely claim forms may receive a cash award of between $10 and $100 or a free Flash Drive pending a settlement fairness hearing.  The fairness hearing will take place at the Courtroom 11 of the Phillip Burton Federal Building & United States Courthouse, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102 on 10-13-2013.  Class members are not required to attend as their court appointed lawyers of Pearson, Simon & Warshaw, LLP (Daniel L. Warshaw and Bobby Pouya) will handle all the leg work at the hearing.  AcerLawsuit.com provides more details about the settlement terms along with a help FAQ and claim form.

More information about the Acer Lawsuit can be found at the Settlement Administrator website or by writing to KCC Class Action Services, P.O. Box 43169, Providence, RI 02940-3169, or by calling toll free 1-877-761-0698.
