– Army e-Learning SkillPort



The US Army provides over 5,000 web-based courses in Business, Leadership, IT and Personal Development to help assist soldiers in their education and well-being.  Please note that only Active Army, Army National Guard, Army Reservists, Army ROTC Cadet III and IV, and Dept of Army civilians are authorized to use  Internet Explorer, FireFox and Safari are all web browsers that are compatible with  There is not a cost associated with the courses and you must get a 70% or better in order to pass.  There is no time limit to complete any given course and upon completion you will receive a course certificate assuming you pass with a 70% or higher. 

Students’ will receive the course certificate at their AKO email address within 3-5 days of completing the course. The certificate can be printed by checking on the My Progress link; click on the Completion Tab; and then the certificate icon next to the course title.  To find a list of ALL courses provided by the Army eLearning program please check the login page at page and click on the “view a listing of courses offered” wording on the left hand side of the page. 

Please note that there are 40 SkillSoft courses that might qualify for college credit.  Many University’s accept the courses towards a degree but it is ultimately up to the individual college to make the rule.  Please check with your college admissions staff for more information.  Some examples of courses offered include: The Mechanics of Communicating Effectively, Participating Effectively in a Business Meeting, Advanced Database Design in Access 2002, RFID Technology and Business Applications, Strategies for Better Balance and Communication Skills to Fast-track Your Career.  As you can see the course provided a broad spectrum of learning.  Your password at is different from your AKO Password.