Tropicana 100% Orange Juice False Advertising Lawsuit Complaint



Another lawsuit has been filed claiming false and misleading advertising related to a 100% pure and natural product.  This time Tropicana is up on deck facing a class action lawsuit claiming their OJ is not 100% pure and natural as they claim.  The class members claim that the Tropicana orange juice is “heavily processed and flavored”… “It is not natural orange juice. It is instead a product that is scientifically engineered in laboratories, not nature, which explains its shelf-life of more than two months.” states the Tropicana 100% Orange Juice False Advertising Lawsuit Complaint.  The case is entitled Angelena Lewis v. Tropicana Products, Inc. and is in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of California.


Class members of the lawsuit include all US residents who    purchased Tropicana 100% pure and natural orange juice.  The  lawsuit also states that the customer would have never paid a premium price for the OJ in question if the truth as known about its contents.  This is case number 12-cv-00049-JAM-EFB.  A full copy of the lawsuit can be found here.