Quest Diagnostics Discrimination Lawsuit


The Quest Diagnostics Discrimination Lawsuit is claiming that a Good Ol Boys Club mentality existed at Quest that fostered an environment hostile to the success and advancement of female employees.  The lawsuit sites that out of the 17 top management positions only 4 of the positions were occupied by females.  The lawsuit was filed against Quest Diagnostics Inc. and subsidiary AmeriPath Inc. by New York-based law firm Sanford Wittels & Heisler L.L.P.  The lawsuit is seeking $100 million dollars in damages.  The lawsuit was filed by lead plaintiffs Erin Beery (executive territory manager in Indianapolis) and Heather Traege (executive territory manager in Bradenton, Fla).

The Quest lawsuit accuses the company of discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and with violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act… “high-ranking company officials within the predominantly male management team foster an environment hostile to the success and advancement of female employees. Promoting ‘old boys’ club’ attitudes, upper management regularly grooms junior male employees for leadership by granting them disproportionate access to resources and exposure to decision-makers.”

Frankly the Good Ol Boys Club lawsuit has been done to death and we hope these ladies don’t collect a dime.

Quest responded with “Quest Diagnostics is an equal opportunity employer,” and “We are proud to be routinely recognized as a top employer in communities around the U.S.”