Olive Garden Hepatitis A Class Action Lawsuit



A class action lawsuit has been filed against the Olive Garden over claims that potentially  thousands of customers were exposed to contaminated food due to an Olive Garden employee testing positive for Hepatitis A.  The location in question is a Olive Garden restaurant in Fayetteville, NC.  A Seattle based law firm will be in charge of the class action lawsuit and is seeking settlement terms due to customers experiencing  “lost wages, medical expenses, ‘fear of harm and humiliation’ and physical pain and injury” under the potential exposure.  The firm claims that Olive Garden was negligent by failing to require its employees to be vaccinated against hepatitis A, by failing to prevent an employee from working, and failing to provide safe food.  The lawsuit is seeking damages of over $10,000. 

Please contact the law firm of Marler Clark (www.marlerclark.com a firm that specializes in foodborne-illness litigation) if you were a customer and potentially exposed to Hepatitis A at the Olive Garden in question.  The Cumberland County medical clinic was providing free immunization shots up until August 22.