Nebraska Inmate Lawsuit Bill Hearing Set



LB793 – Limit frivolous civil actions filed by prisoners

This Friday a hearing will be held to discuss the Nebraska Inmate Lawsuit Bill.  This bill hopes to reduce frivolous lawsuits filed by Nebraska prison inmates.  When an inmate files a lawsuit in the state of Nebraska it cost the tax payers money and a good majority of these lawsuits are frivolous.  A prime example is Mr. Eric Lewis.  This guy is incarcerated on a sexual assault charge and killed Dr. Louis Martin in July 2007 at the Lincoln Regional Center.  Mr. Lewis has filed 149 lawsuit cases between January 2007 and April 2008 most of which ask for protection from guards and fellow inmates.   This bill would protect the tax payers against morons like Eric Lewis.  Mr. Lewis actually filed 60 cases in one day!  It took Six Lancaster County District judges  to sign off on an order limiting inmate Eric Lewis to six court filings per year, unless he could show he faced immediate harm.  This is just one example of many inmates who act in this way.  A Nebraska inmate by the name of Billy Roy Tyler filed 665 cases following his conviction on drug charges, which included 88 cases in one year!  The bill is sponsored by Omaha Sen. Scott Lautenbaugh. Lets hope this bill is passed.  More information on the bill can be found at











Omaha Sen. Scott Lautenbaug