Muscle Milk False Advertising Class Action Lawsuit


Muscle Milk is in some hot water over claims of false advertisement.  Muscle Milk Ready-to-Drink and Muscle Milk Bars claim that they are healthy, nutritious, and should be regularly consumed to help them live a healthy lifestyle.  Here is the problem Muscle Milk has the same number of calories and almost as much fat and saturated fat as a “Glazed Kreme Filling” Krispe Kreme doughnut!  Would you eat a Kripe Kreme doughnut after a workout?  Class members in this lawsuit are all U.S. residents who purchased Cytosport’s “Muscle Milk Ready-to-Drink” and/or “Muscle Milk Bars” products during the period of July 18, 2007 through the present. 

The lawsuit is entitled Claire Delacruz v. Cytosport, Inc., Case No. 11-cv-3532, and is out of the United States District Court, Northern District of California.  The lawsuit claims that the Muscle Milk Products are equivalent to fat-laden junk food.  You actually might be better of eating a snickers bar before your workout.  Please go here for a copy of the Muscle Milk False Advertising Class Action Lawsuit.